Energy is defined in various ways. Doctor recommend patient to eat healthy food to fulfil energy requirements. Scientist and Engineers are busy to conserve energy . Sportsmen eat and do different exercises to form great energy.
Energy gives motion ,cause development and growth and produce light.
What is energy?
Ability to do work is called energy.
Units: British Thermal Unit (BTU). One BTU is equal to 1055 Joule.
Joule,in honour of James Joule.
Calories, quads ,kilowat-hours and electron volt are all units of energy.
Law of conservation of energy: Energy neither be created nor destryed it changes it form .
Energy can be converted into work heat and radiations.
For utilization of energy it is necessary to convert it into other form of energy.
Our sun change nuclear energy into thermal energy. A motor convert electric energy into Kinetics form.
Forms of energy
Kinetics energy: This is energy possessed by a body due to its motion. When we through a ball our muscle or chemical energy make able ball to move ahead this our chemical energy convert into Kinetics energy.
Heat energy: When we boil water on electric heater water gets hot due to thermal energy in this process electric energy converts into thermal energy.
Solar energy: Solar is almost responsible for all forms or energy that exist on earth. This energy spread in all directions in forms of waves
Chemical energy: Chemical energy due to different form of chemical substances and chemical reactions occur in nature. Our body extracts chemical energy from food..

Sources of energy:
• Wood
• Water
• Sun
• Coal
• Natural Gas
• Petroleum
• Uranium
Energy Users
• Residential
• Commercial
• Transport
• Industrial
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