The Dog


A dog is four  legged animal with a tail. It is commonly kept and tamed at houses for hunting,guarding and protecting the houses and animals.

Dogs are carnivorous animals. They also eat plants,food,fruits bones and raw material.They drink clean water . In case unavailablity of clean water they drink water from gutters ,waste water and standing water from the pools.

The dogs are commonly found in 9 colors like black,white,red ,brown, yellow,gold,cream,gray and blue.The dogs also have shades of multiple colors on their skins.

The sizes of the dogs vary from toy to extra large.In weight from 12 pounds to over 100 pounds.

Kinds of Dogs
• German Shepherd
• Rohdesian Ridgeback
• Bernese Mountain Dog
• English Mastiff
• Australian Shepherd
• Australian Cattle Dog
• Rottweiler

It is an animal with four legs,two eyes ,one nose,one tongue ,t
 It is a pet animal . It is kept in houses for different purposes . In village it is used to guard houses during night from thieves,grazing
of animals and to catch jackals in the fields . People of  icy areas attach cart with dogs and travel on these carts.

     It is very useful and faithful animal. Nowadays across the world people keep them as a their hobbies . They spend time with them on daily basis. They train them and take different tasks and activities .


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