The Woman
Here the term woman means female human regardless of age .
Historically, women was considered as a wicked, unintelligent ,miser and weaker compare to it's male partner.
Domestic chore were used to given to women and hardy work to men.
In 18th century women was thought as a second class human,no education and vote power in their destiny .Women were remain engaged in doing house work like weaving,milking,making cheese and butter,mending of shoes and making of clothes .They also used to make medicine for child and family members.
Women in 19th century were considered as weak sex ,not eual to men.Women were not allowed to go outside and do some work.
In 20th century due to change in technological and economic system women gained equal rights to men.Women were allowed to cast vote .Many radical organisations of women were created.
Due to change in bahaviour and equal rights for women created lot of opportunities for women to show their talent in the world.However ,women proved thier potential in every field of life.
Woman is the partner of a man since origin of this world. Every religion says about the rights and respect of women. Woman either in any form helped men.
Unfortunately due to ignorance and misunderstanding men violated the women rights.
Women need respect,rights and freedom of speech as equal as men have.
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